We Don’t Guess, We Test!

Laboratory Diagnostics

Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, we utilize the most in-depth testing and cutting-edge diagnostic tools to uncover the hidden sources of your health challenges. In fact, we constantly research new testing methods to provide you with the clearest picture into your health available today. This is how we find the missing pieces to health restoration; the pieces that traditional healthcare isn’t looking for, and therefore will never find.

Testing to uncover the missing piece to your health

A proper clinical diagnosis can’t be made on symptoms alone. Finding the missing piece to your overall health requires looking at the bigger picture. That’s why we use powerful and proven laboratory testing to create a truly personalized insight into your body to help you overcome the health problems caused by the Three T’s: Traumas, Toxins, & Thoughts.

Incomplete testing leaves practitioners shooting in the dark. Complete testing provides the whole picture and guides the next steps.

This is the first step to restoring your health.

  • There is more than a 95% chance that something you are eating every day is actually toxic to your system!

    Years ago scientists discovered your body has an internal chemical balance that is as unique to you as your fingerprint. Likewise, every food you eat has its own "chemical balance" -- a unique set of natural or man-made chemicals.

    Every individual is different, and every individual reacts differently to each food. The food you eat will either enhance your proper body chemistry or disrupt it, and cause inflammation. In fact, 95% of the people tested show that at least one food they eat regularly causes an inflammatory reaction in their body.

    You might not notice these reactions, or you might notice something, but not realize it's a reaction to your food (yes, even your nutritious, organic food!). Some symptoms could include:

    • Ear Aches

    • Mood Swings (Anxiety, Aggressiveness, Irritability)

    • Fatigue

    • Dark Circles Under Eyes

    • Asthma

    • Canker Sores

    • Sinus Problems

    • Acne

    • Eczema

    • Brain Fog

    • Bloating.Excess Weight

    • Headaches/Migranes

    A common misconception is when we experience a symptom, we tend to attribute it to something we just ate, or at least ate within the last 24 hours. In actuality, it can take up to 72 hours for a symptom to manifest, so the headache you have today, might have been from the orange you ate 2 days ago! Knowing this, it's virtually impossible to pinpoint trigger foods without being tested.

    Learn more about the test here!

  • Hormones are the building blocks of life, for both men and women. Reaching far beyond standard gender differences, hormones can significantly impact all aspects of body function, and unbalanced hormones can result in:

    • Weight Gain

    • Anxiety

    • Fatigue

    • Low sex drive and performance issues

    • Sleep disturbances

    • Mood Instability

    • Brain Fog

    • Hot Flashes

    This comprehensive dried urine test is the most advanced hormone test, offering an extensive profile of sex and adrenal hormones and melatonin, along with their metabolites, to identify symptoms of hormonal imbalances.

    The results include:

    • Analysis of 35 different hormones; estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and cortisol along with their metabolites

    • Daily free cortisol patterns to provide insight into 'adrenal fatigue' or symptoms of chronic stress

    • Graphical representation of results and embedded video tutorials to assist in the hormone assessment to share with your Wellness Way provider

    • Oxidative Stress Marker - 8-Hydroxy-2deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG)

    Learn more about the test here!

  • Gastrointestinal complaints are among the most common reasons that patients seek care. The more we learn about the impact gut health, the more evidence we have demonstrating the far-reaching effects of a compromised digestive tract. This custom analysis can help assess digestive and absorptive functions, the presence of bad bacteria, pathogens, and parasites, allowing patients to better address their intestinal health.

    Learn more about the test here!

  • Including male panel, female panel, cardiometabolic panel, no sugar panel, thyroid panel, immune panel, thyroid with hormones, viral panel, MTHFR gene mutation & more!

    Learn more about these tests here!

  • Mycotoxins, produced by certain mold species, are some of the most prevalent toxins and can come from many sources including buildings, vehicles, and food. These compounds have been recognized as a growing global health concern due to their acute and chronic adverse health impacts. Mycotoxin exposure can be difficult to diagnose without proper testing due to vague and often varied symptoms.

    The MycoTOX Profile is Mosaic Diagnostics’ most comprehensive assessment of mycotoxins. 

    Learn more about this test here!

  • Tests for  30+ specific antigens that are known to be associated with >20 common autoimmune disorders. These common disorders comprise >70% of all diagnoses related to not only Systemic disorders but Thyroid, Liver and Gastrointestinal as well.

    Learn more about the test here!

  • Check for potentially harmful metals that have been stored in the body. The heavy metals most commonly associated with poisoning of humans are lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium. Heavy metal poisoning may occur as a result of industrial exposure, air or water pollution, foods, medicines, & more.

Start your health journey today!