Many thyroid issues are because of these underlying health problems. Around 80% of thyroid sufferers have an underlying autoimmune disease such as Hashimoto’s or Grave’s disease that goes un-diagnosed. Unless you prompt your doctor to test for antibodies, they won’t do it. If you are being regulated symptomatically through your medications, look at your immune system. What makes us different here at EnVitality Wellness Center, is we remove any interference that stops the body and the thyroid gland from communicating with each other and operating properly. We look at all these issues: production of hormones, conversion of hormones, and destruction of thyroid through autoimmune conditions or interference of the body.
If a medical doctor in Englewood CO doesn’t test all areas, it is no wonder a person still feels terrible, even if their thyroid test results are all normal. The doctor is only looking at the production of the T4. The reason why the medications yield a normal result is that the medication will send T4 back to the brain and tell the pituitary gland that you have enough T4, so your TSH will look normal. When you take a synthetic hormone, that is an identical hormone, it fixes that one issue, but if have other issues, regulating the T4 is not enough.
Many people struggle for years with this. About 80% of thyroid sufferers have an autoimmune component that has to be checked.There are a small percentage of women who truly need a thyroid medication. The thyroid medication is supposed to be identical to the hormone, but this isn’t true. The medication contains wheat and dye, sugar and other things that aren’t in the regular natural hormone. For example, the ingredients in Synthroid are confectioner’s sugar, corn starch, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, povidone and talc. If you have sensitivities to dairy, corn, gluten, including traces of soy, you will be affected.
Chemical stresses are important as well as allergy testing to see a patient’s specific allergies to foods. It’s important to look at everything. You can’t look through the small keyhole of the TSH tests and see the whole picture. We know it’s frustrating, and we are here to help. We do all the full testing, to figure out what’s exactly wrong with you and customize a plan to fix your underlying issues.
Some of the most common tests are allergy tests, but we may also ask for a stool test. Don’t be surprised by the tests we will use to find the underlying issue and the real problems you are having. We also look at your adrenal patterns- we will look at everything- not just TSH and T4. Adrenal insufficiencies could be an issue, and may even be caused by the medications given to you by the doctor. We can help you get healthy and give you the truth about what’s really wrong with you.